everything you need to know about clean sunscreen

All it took was one bad sunburn on a spring break trip to Arizona when I was younger to convince myself that I should be wearing sunscreen every day. From goopy, whitecasting lotions to chemical fume-filled sprays, I would douse myself in whatever was available growing up. Sunscreen formulas have (luckily) come a long way as more research around them has been conducted. Unfortunately though, alarming reports show that carcinogens (like benzene) have been found in popular suncare products, with those same products causing damage to coral reefs around the world.

Making the everyday choice to use clean sunscreen can save yourself and the planet. Here’s all the answers to your burning questions about clean sunscreen.

what is clean sunscreen and why should i use it?

A clean sunscreen is one that is free of toxic chemicals like: benzene, oxybenzone, octinoxate (octylmethoxycinnamate), homosalate, octisalate, octocrylene, and avobenzone. A majority of these chemicals are carcinogens or endocrine disruptors—which interfere with everything from your reproductive systems to your metabolism. Clean sunscreens are free of these harsh ingredients and using a clean formula will not only prevent you from developing certain types of cancers but will also prevent these chemicals from landing in the ocean where they’ll do major damage on coral reefs.

what is the difference between clean chemical and mineral sunscreen?

Clean chemical sunscreens are synthetically derived and work by absorbing UV rays and turning them into heat. While clean chemical sunscreens still have chemicals that do get absorbed by your body, they don’t include the toxic ones listed above. Mineral (also known as physical) sunscreen contains 100% mineral actives, such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. These actives work by absorbing ~95% of UV rays and turning them into heat while reflecting back the remaining ~5% of UV rays. Both formulations are effective at protecting your skin and the environment.

what should I take into consideration when purchasing a clean sunscreen?

There are three things to consider when purchasing a clean sunscreen: active ingredients, water resistance, and broad spectrum. All sunscreens are required by the FDA to list their active ingredients on the “Drug Facts” portion of the label, this is where you would see good ingredients (like zinc oxide) or bad ingredients (like oxybenzone) listed. Water resistance is another key factor to look for in a clean sunscreen, especially if you’ll be swimming or sweating because you don’t want the sunscreen to come off too quickly after application. Perhaps the most important thing to look for is whether or not a clean sunscreen is broad spectrum—meaning it will block both UVA and UVB rays.


one-stop clean sunscreen shop


journal no. 004


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