5 essential first date tips


Dating is exhausting. When I was younger, I would get so down on myself whenever a date ended up to be sucky or I didn’t receive a follow up when I thought a date went well. I would always look inward, wondering what was wrong with me instead of taking a more pragmatic, bird’s eye view of each situation. My outlook on dating changed when I started to realize it’s all a numbers game: your odds of finding a potential match increase the more dates you go on. Removing my emotions from the equation allowed me to recognize that every dating experience had value, even if it was only to teach me a lesson about myself.

Approaching a first date with the confidence in knowing that you’re a highly unique individual, whose multitudes are infinite, completely changes the game. These tips will make it easier for you to focus not on whether or not your date likes you, but more importantly on whether or not you like them.

give eye contact

Giving eye contact creates trust between you and your date. While staring into someone else's eyes can feel incredibly vulnerable, it can let the other person know you are genuinely interested in them and what they have to say.

When practicing this, make sure to blink and look away at natural points in the conversation so that you don't make your date feel uncomfortable.

positive body language

How you say something is almost more important than what you're actually saying—having open, positive body language sends unconscious signals to your date that you're open and comfortable with them.

Make sure to uncross your arms, sit up straight, and manage your facial expressions so that you appear engaged during the date.

ask thoughtful questions

There is nothing more terrifying on a first date than reaching an awkward silence or lull in conversation. The easiest way to avoid this is to ask thoughtful questions of your date in a way that doesn't feel like a job interview.

You can do this by revisiting a previous conversation topic (work, family life, common interests) and asking the person to expand upon something they were passionate about discussing.

be honest

Above all, people value honesty and authenticity. While it can be really tempting to change certain details about yourself to appear more attractive to your date, it doesn't allow them to fall in love with who you really are.

Be honest about who you are and what you want, even if it has the potential to lead to rejection—every experience can be an opportunity to learn more about yourself.

follow your intuition

No amount of dating tips can guarantee a perfect first date, so it's important to listen to the little voice in your head.

If you feel the need to leave, then leave. If you feel the need to go for a kiss, then go for a kiss. There are no rules as to how a first date "should" go, as long as you try to make the most of it you'll either have a good time or a good story to tell your friends.



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