journal no. 003

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Maybe it’s millennial of me to say, but I spend a lot of time on YouTube consuming long-form content and I love watching videos by favorite influencers and publishers like Vogue, NYT Cooking and Architectural Digest. I especially enjoy watching Vogue’s “73 Questions” series with celebrity guests like Taylor Swift and Hailey Bieber because they ask seemingly random, but thought-provoking questions that really expose something new about the guest they’re interviewing. I’m not a celebrity in any sense of the word, but I thought it would be fun to answer some of these rapid-fire questions so that you all can get to know me a bit better.


  1. What’s the best thing that happened to you this month? Getting some much needed sun in Palm Springs, my first vacation of 2021!

  2. What is something you’re tired of? Cancel culture.

  3. What’s the biggest learning experience you’ve had? Learning in my young adulthood that only you can create your own happiness, it’s both a liberating and terrifying thought.

  4. If you could teach one subject in school what would it be? Marketing.

  5. What’s your favorite beverage? Cold Brew, easily.

  6. What’s your favorite cocktail? I have three: Old Fashioned in the fall/winter, scratch margarita in the spring/summer, and a Tito’s and soda with lime when I’m at a gay bar.

  7. What is your favorite birthday cake? Ice cream cake, my mom would get these from Dairy Queen for my birthday growing up.

  8. What is one thing you still have from your childhood? My naivete about how the world works or how people act in certain situations—both a blessing and a curse.

  9. What is your favorite movie? Titanic.

  10. What is something you can’t do? Most sports that require hand-eye coordination.

  11. What is one habit you wish you could break? Putting empty boxes of food/snacks back in the pantry when I’m done with them.

  12. What makes you laugh no matter what? It’s really easy to make me laugh, but Alex (aka HRH Collection) makes me laugh no matter what she is ranting about.

  13. What does creativity mean to you? Creating something out of nothing.

  14. What are your favorite lyrics of all time? “Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you” from “New Year’s Day” by Taylor Swift.

  15. What is something you’ve always wanted to try but you’ve been too scared to do? I want a tattoo but I’m scared of committing to it.

  16. Best advice for your 19 year old self? Be open with your heart—people will break it but don’t rob yourself of the feeling of falling in love.

  17. If you could raid one person’s closet who would it be? Fai Khadra.

  18. Must have beauty item? Brow gel.

  19. What did you want to do with your life at age 12? I wanted to become a fashion designer—I would sketch designs and carry them around at school to show people.

  20. What is something you will not be doing in ten years? My own taxes.

  21. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? A friend told me I was the most beautiful person they know from the inside out while we were taking shots at Cha Cha’s.

  22. What is one goal you are determined to achieve in your lifetime? Publish a book, either fiction or non-fiction.

  23. Would you ever live anywhere besides Seattle? Eventually would love to live in Northern California, near Monterey/Big Sur—and I’m not just saying that because I love Big Little Lies.

  24. What is your favorite dessert? An espresso martini.

  25. Is there a dessert you don’t like? Carrot cake.

  26. It’s brunch! What do you eat? Eggs benedict, coffee, a mimosa, and plenty of water to balance it all out.

  27. Dream country to visit? Italy.

  28. Favorite Disney animal? I don’t have a favorite Disney animal—I’m not a big Disney person, sorry.

  29. What is a book you are planning on reading? Find Me, the sequel to Call Me By Your Name.

  30. What did you read most recently? Still working on A Little Life by Hanya Yanaghara—it takes me a long time to finish books, but that doesn’t stop me from buying new ones.

  31. Favorite solo artist? This is really hard because it’s changed so many times over the years, I think right now it’s Selena Gomez.

  32. What’s your favorite board game? I love “The Game of Life” and “Clue”—I always have dibs on being Miss Scarlet.

  33. What’s a city you wish to visit? Paris—I’ve heard mixed reviews, but it’s one of those places I want to experience for myself.

  34. What song can you listen to on repeat? “Gimme More” by Britney Spears—a timeless bop.

  35. What are the three things you can’t live without? Family, friends and 15 units of Botox.

  36. What do you do on a rainy day? I love rainy days because it’s an excuse for me to deep clean or organize and not feel guilty about it.

  37. What’s your favorite exercise? I love doing strength training or power classes with Kat E. on obé. I used to hate working out on my own, but following her classes has been super motivating.

  38. What was your worst subject in school? Science—I think I could understand it better now, but I made it like 50% of my personality to hate science (because I thought it wasn’t cool) when I was younger.

  39. What is your spirit animal? Either a lion or some type of big cat.

  40. What do you usually eat for breakfast? A yogurt or a protein bar and coffee.

  41. What do you usually eat for dinner? Salmon and a vegetable, or pasta, or a cauliflower flatbread.

  42. Cooking or baking? Cooking.

  43. Favorite baked good? Brownies.

  44. What is something you wish you could be good at? Anything athletic, to be honest.

  45. Skiing or surfing? Après Ski.

  46. First celebrity crush? Zac Efron in High School Musical.

  47. Most recent celebrity crush? Matt Bomer.

  48. How do you start your day? I start by reading The New York Times and scrolling through Twitter in bed before finally getting up to do my skincare routine, get ready, make coffee, eat a little breakfast before diving into emails.

  49. How do you manage stress? Working out and always reminding myself that no issue is ever impossible of reaching a solution.

  50. What do you do to relax? Play games on my Nintendo Switch, watch reality tv, read or needlepoint.

  51. Age when you were first kissed? I think I was 20 before I had my first kiss with a guy.

  52. Place you were first kissed? In the backyard of a house party.

  53. Favorite fashion trend of all time? Dior saddle bags, I still love mine!

  54. Best fashion advice you’ve ever received? If you really love something it never goes out of style.

  55. Trend you would like to see disappear forever? Chunky tennis shoes, even though I actively participated in that trend.

  56. Shoes or bags? Bags, I wish I had more than the two that I have!

  57. How do you know if you’re in love? I can’t stop thinking about the person or talking about the person to my family—my sister especially.

  58. Television show you’ve binged on recently? Very Cavallari—Kristin is iconic.

  59. Who do you turn to when you’re sad? My sister.

  60. Name one thing you’ve learned the hard way? Not everyone is worthy of your friendship.

  61. If you could make a documentary about anything what would it be? The positive and negative effects of social media on human connection.

  62. What is your Kryptonite? Dainty necklaces.

  63. What are you most enchanted by? Nature.

  64. What is your biggest strength? Having strong emotional intelligence.

  65. What is your biggest weakness? Having strong emotional intelligence.

  66. What are 3 words to describe living in Seattle? Serene, comfortable, organic.

  67. Cutest thing on planet earth? Greyson, my roommate’s cat.

  68. Most important advice you’d give your future children? You are responsible for creating the life that you want and I’ll be in your corner no matter what you decide to do.

  69. Best first date idea? Making candles at Elm Candle Bar.

  70. Favorite type of flower? Peonies.

  71. What do you first notice about someone when you meet them? Their eyes.

  72. What are you most excited about at this time in your life? Knowing myself better than I ever have before and being able to visualize what I want next out of life.

  73. What would you like to be remembered for? Affecting meaningful, positive change in the world.


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