how to practice mindfulness

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It’s amazing how little time we spend in our lives focusing on just existing. Getting caught up in being “busy” is second nature to me and I often find myself needing a moment to recenter. I’ve learned that feeling connected, body and mind, to the world we live in requires awareness of oneself. In recent months, I’ve found that practicing mindfulness has allowed me to be more present with others and more conscious of my emotions and needs.

Practicing mindfulness is actually quite simple, it just requires a time commitment. When you do make that commitment, you’ll reap the benefits of being mindful both instantly and over time. Here are three of the steps I take to find a moment of calm in my day.

feel your breath

In a quiet place, sit upright in a stable position that you'll be comfortable in for an extended amount of time (anywhere from 1 to 10 minutes).

Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths—noticing each one that you take. Follow the sensation of your breath as air enters and exits your body.

scan your body

Starting from the top of your head, take a moment to focus and relax each part of your body all the way down to your feet. Repeat as necessary.

monitor your thoughts

During steps one and two, you might find that your mind may wander to other thoughts. When this happens, do not judge yourself, simply acknowledge the thought and return your focus back to the sensation of your breath and the stillness of your body.



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journal no. 003