journal no. 005


There’s a lot of expectations that people have of you when you reveal that you’re a Leo. My astrological sign is synonymous with having a big personality, being a bit self-absorbent and having a dramatic flair about everything. The thing is, I don’t necessarily feel like those qualities are representative of who I am 100% of the time. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I uncovered my entire birth chart (thank you Co—Star) and realized how complex my astrological placements really are.

My ascendant being in Libra means that, to most, I come across as “compromising, courteous, and fair-mindned, though sometimes passive aggressive.” This combined with my Leo Sun and Pisces Moon makes for a much more accurate depiction of my being. I can be moody, emotional and quiet, just as often as I can be charming, theatrical and energetic.


As I get older, I feel my self-confidence growing stronger as I bloom into my Leo eccentricities more and more. Celebrating your personal growth is something I think everyone should do no matter what your zodiac sign is. Embracing what makes you unique is not just a Leo thing.

Here are three of my “Leo life lessons” that everyone can learn from this season.

if you crave attention, give attention

Leo’s are notorious for wanting to be the center of attention, but this comes at no small price for everyone else in the room. Sharing the spotlight with others creates a more positive environment for everyone to enjoy themselves. If you have the opportunity to uplift someone else, take it.

“self care” is not “self absorption”

In order to be the best version of yourself for others, you have the be the best version of yourself for you. Take the time to rest, recharge and reset so that you can store more positive energy to share with the world. Sometimes this will require saying no to people or things that deplete that energy.

romanticize your life

Think of yourself as the ‘main character’ in your life. Cherish experiences and love people with the ‘dramatic flair’ that people write romance novels about.



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