tips & tricks for instant wellness


I’m all about setting ambitious goals and having a vision for what I want my wholebeing to be, but getting started can be daunting and falling off the wagon can be even more discouraging. I’ve learned over the past year that the smallest of changes to your lifestyle can have such a positive impact on your daily health and wellness. If you consistently make these small changes, soon enough you’ll form healthy habits that you’ll not only engage in but want to engage in.

While nobody can achieve wellness instantly (I promise this article isn’t clickbait!), you can definitely receive a shot of serotonin with these tips and tricks.

moisturize inside & out

Our bodies are made of up to 60% of water—so let this be a reminder to drink up! Eating foods high in water (aka fruits and vegetables) will also help in keeping yourself hydrated. Moisturize your skin with products that include hyaluronic acid, which—despite the abrasive name—is an ingredient naturally found in your skin and connective tissues.

create a routine

We are all creatures of habit—creating a routine can help you sleep better, feel better and make better use of your time. Start off small by waking up or going to bed thirty minutes earlier than you normally would to give yourself the time to do something for yourself that makes you happy—reading a book, working out or practicing meditation.

adopt a plant

Plants are Earth's natural detoxifiers—having a plant indoors can increase humidity, produce oxygen and remove toxins from the air around you. Plants are also known to boost your mood, concentration and even creativity.

engage in positive self-talk

The way we talk about ourselves is more important than we may realize, even our little moments of self-deprecation in jest can add up to a negative self-image. As you’re getting ready for the day, take a few moments to say something positive about yourself—as RuPaul always says: “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?”

practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is defined as “a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment.” Clearing your mind and focusing on simply existing helps relax your body, reduce stress, and think clearer. You can do this in 10 minutes with no equipment or iPhone app, just sit still and focus on your breathing.



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